Everybody is Welcome at Mount Moriah.
For over 130 years, Mount Moriah has served as a Progressive Witness of Jesus Christ in Pembroke and North Bryan County. At Mount Moriah, you find yourself in a warm and welcoming environment that will allow you to experience real folks abiding in community, loving each other, and serving God. As a small congregation in a beautiful rural setting, we have convenient parking located near the front entrance for our first-time guests. Our Mount Moriah Ushers will be glad to help you find a seat for the worship service.
Beyond hospitality, Mount Moriah is committed to being Christian stewards of love. As such, we practice love, build the beloved community, and pursue social justice. We believe the overwhelming message of the Bible, in story after story, is that of God's radical love and welcome. Every time we think we know who's in and who's out, God does something to challenge those assumptions, unbind our hearts and minds from old ways of understanding, and draw the circle ever wider.
Our doors are wide open to people from all backgrounds, regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey. Together, we are striving to become a place where there's relevant teaching, heart-felt worship, honest friendships, constant prayer, and compassionate care. So whether you are a spiritual seeker who is just starting to ask questions about God or a committed Christian who wants to sink the roots of your faith even deeper, you can find a home here at Mount Moriah!
Enjoy Connection
THROUGH WORSHIP | Sunday services start at Noon, following Sunday School, on the First, Second, and Fourth Sundays. Learn more.
THROUGH STUDY | Sunday School for all ages begins at 11:30 a.m. Additionally, there is a Morning Devotion every Wednesday at 6:30 am. Just dial 717.908.1726 and use Passcode 1065315# to participate. Learn more.
THROUGH SERVICE | One of the most important values of Mount Moriah is our mission to the Pembroke community. Mount Moriah's members are involved in a variety of church-based ministries and community partnerships. Feel free to contact our Church Clerk with further questions.
About Community
Established in 1890, the Mount Moriah Baptist Church has stood as a physical representation of the hope and determination of the African-American spirit. Through the years as a school, community center, and civil rights organizing meeting hall, Mount Moriah has always served people through its Watch, Witness, and Worship.
At Mount Moriah, all our resources are utilized to provide a Christ-centered setting where people in this community can be redeemed to a personal relationship with Christ, reconciled to God and his people, restored to wholeness, to well-being, and revived for a full life involved in service to others.
At Mount Moriah, you can be redeemed, reconciled, restored, and revived. Let's go!

The Reverend Dr. Francys Johnson well serves Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church. The pulpit of Mount Moriah has long provided community-wide leadership.
Over the last 25 years, Dr. Johnson has also exemplified the values of Christian service with humility before the congregation of Pembroke. He is also the Senior Pastor of the Magnolia Baptist Church of Statesboro. First Lady Meca Williams-Johnson’s particular success in youth programming and academic mentoring is an asset to the ministries of Mount Moriah. Further, they are ambassadors of our faith community to the region and nation.