
This Month

After the Election Resources
FEELING OVERWHELMED | The Bible takes rest seriously. ​In Genesis 2, after spending six days forming the earth, God rests “from all the work,” setting a sacred precedent. In Exodus 20:8-10, God instructs the Israelites to embrace patterns of rest. In Matthew 8:23-26, Jesus rests in a boat during a torrential downpour, despite tides rising and crashing against the boat’s hull, threatening to capsize the passengers. We can take comfort in this: If the son of God needed to take a break every now and then, so do we.
Rest is also essential if we aim to follow the biblical call to “do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly” — work that is joyous, yes, but also exhausting.
Ministry Spotlight
More Resources
Resource Center
FOOD BANK | Many folks consider hunger at Thanksgiving, but a significant problem requires a year-round commitment. As such, as a Church, we have partnered with the Second Harvest Food Bank to lead, volunteer, and make a monthly contribution that results in more than a ton of food each year.
During the Thanksgiving Season, we will partner again with Owen Supply to distribute meal boxes to members of our community.
​CONNECT | To volunteer or learn more, contact Sis. Jashua Couples at 912.429.0970 or Email.
MORNING DEVOTION | Spend time each day reading and reflecting on God. Magnolia uses Our Daily Bread, a daily online and printed devotional. For a printed copy, ask an usher at any service.
WEEKLY PRAYER | Join our weekly Early Morning Devotional at 6:30 a.m. by dialing 712.775.7200 and code 1065315#. Feel free to listen or join in the discussion.
PASTORAL CARE | Pastor Johnson is available for Pastoral Counseling, Prayer, and Spiritual Guidance by appointment. Call his office at 912.225.3151 or by Email.
COUNSELING REFERRAL | There are often situations that require a professional referral for services. This Church will make referrals as appropriate and support our members to get the care they need to thrive.

For the Culture
BLACK LIVES MATTER | The deaths of Amhaud Arbery, Breona Taylor, and George Floyd has captured the world's attention to the plight of Black people and the criminal justice system.​ Although this fight has long been a part of the ethos of Sweet Magnolia; together we are seeking to faithfully respond to the challenges of the day.
Above. Pastor Francys Johnson shoulders the 30 foot Cross along with other leaders to demonstrate the weight of sin that is police brutality.​ Resources: Article, Video, More on JustGeorgia, and the M4BL.
Health and Wellness
AWARENESS | Mount Moriah is committed to empowering the community to achieve and maintain health and wellness.
As the faith community, we have a special responsibility to care for our fellow congregants and communities. When we are prepared, we are in a better position to help others. We have a special responsibility to get the facts and restate them accurately, and to check in frequently with our fellow congregants. Learn More about High Blood Pressure. More information on COVID.
Money Matters
FOCUS | Financial Literacy is a survival tool. Mount Moriah is committed to empowering the community to achieve and maintain financial security. Learn More.
Here are some resources that may help:
SNAP benefits
Unemployment services
COVID-19 Resources
City of Pembroke Assistance